
In order to protect clients and contacts, our firm must remain compliant under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act [PIPEDA]. To enable the sending and receiving of data and confidential information we subscribe to the services of e-Courier for all client and contact informational needs.

e-Courier, a Canadian based company, is often described as a virtual FedEx. It is really the evolution of e-mail and file sharing.

e-Courier is a web-based service with several benefits:

  • security [full encryption of text and data files in transit and at rest]
  • large file capabilities
  • powerful tracking with delivery confirmation
  • with all servers here in Canada, the client or contact does not have to worry about US Patriot Act issues!
  • we all "Go Green" with a paperless office including inbound client and contact communications

Please note

Information sent/received using this service is time sensitive. If you have any questions or reservations about using this service, please contact us.

Contact Us

Surrey Office

Unified Accountants Inc.
Unit 248 - 8138 128 Street
Surrey, BC
V3W 1R1

Phone: 778-865-0009
Fax: 250-302-3632

Smithers Office

Unified Accountants Inc.
P.O. Box 3607, 1114 Main Street
Smithers BC
V0J 2N0

Phone: 250-847-2281
Fax: 250-847-4421

Secure Deposit Box - Securely Send Documents